"Right or wrong, this is the road and we are on it."

[all photography in this carrd is mine unless credited otherwise!]

Taanshi ee-ishinihkaashoyen?
"What's your name?"

Taanishi! Ni-miyeeyihten ee-waapamitaan! Dandy o Juno d-ishinihkaashon.Hello there! I'm happy to see you! My name is Dandy or Juno.
23 years
Métis ♾
artist and storyteller
autism + chronic fatigue + a grab bag of other symptoms
If you see a language you don't recognize, it's Southern Michif. Gakwee-kishkeeyihten - I am trying to learn! It's important to me to keep my culture alive, and language is a key part of that!

please be aware:⭐I think otherkin, objectum, and selfshippers are all awesome! Same with neopronoun users and queer people with "conflicting" labels.⭐I have zero tolerance for anyone who sexualizes children, fictional or otherwise. This includes the "fiction never affects reality" crowd.⭐People who joke about incest, zoophilia, or pedophilia will be blocked.⭐I tag potential seizure-inducing imagery (photos, videos, gifs) with "flashing".If you take issue with any of the above, please don't waste your time arguing with me on it. I will just block you with zero acknowledgement otherwise; I have very limited energy and zero interest in debating these topics.

dreaming of clockwork...

i am very passionate about barghests, automata, art, stories, and puppetry!my main media interests include pokemon, wolf 359, TAZ (mainly balance and steeplechase), the raven cycle, night in the woods, and jerma985 - wherever he fits...as for music, I enjoy a lot of Shakey Graves, Genesis Owusu, The Amazing Devil, The Crane Wives, and more!